I. Why is the Climate Changing?
Macroscopic, atomic/molecular, and symbolic languages of chemistry.
Chemical formulas, equations, and mole calculations. Gases.
Language examples
What is happening to the polar ice?
How much is the earth changing?
Energy budget, Forcing, Temperature (IPCC, NASA, NOAA, GCRP Data and Figures)
Climate indicators (IPCC, NASA, NOAA, GCRP, EPA Data and Figures)
Climate Futures (IPCC 2021)
Are warmer Arctic temperatures behind extreme winter weather? (2:05 Video, CBS News, February 2014)
How much does air weigh?
How are gas volume and pressure related?
How are gas volume and temperature related?
Labor Day (no class)
How are the atoms connected within atmospheric gas molecules?
What are the shapes of atmospheric gas molecules?
Which gases absorb infrared waves?
What do atmospheric concentrations tell us about sources and sinks of greenhouse gases?
Gas Concentrations, Global Warming Potential, and Atmospheric Lifetime (table, jsmol, Movies)
Oxygen Concentrations, Scripps (Movie)
Sources and Sinks (Figures)
Methane Supercharges Climate Change, Living on Earth, September 2022 (12:23 Audio)
Methane, The Other Important Greenhouse Gas, C&E News, October 25, 2021 (pdf)
Cows and methane (3:22 Video)
Permafrost and methane (1:54 Video)
No laughing matter: nitrous oxide - another climate enemy (4:22 Video)
Are we stuck with cement? (link to The Outline, June 2018)
What happens when you breathe into water?
How do we balance the source and sink equations?
How much do sources and sinks contribute to rising greenhouse gas concentrations?
Which recipe gives the most precipitate?
What are your personal contributions to CO2 emissions?
How much carbon dioxide do you exhale in a year?
How much carbon dioxide is a mole?
How should we keep cool? (Summary activity)
Background readings (skim before class)
"Ozone Layer Protection," US EPA, 2023
"Twenty Questions and Answers About the Ozone Layer" (pdf), WMO, UNEP, DOC, NASA, EC, 2023
"Climate friendly mobile air conditioning for buses," Umweltbundesamt, 2015
"Fluorinated greenhouse gases," European Commission
"Bans on F gas in new equipment," UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, 2023
"Kigali ammendment to phase-out super greenhouse gases," UN News, October, 2016
"Kigali ammendment ratification," Wikipedia, 2023
"About CO2 refrigeration" (pdf), R744.com, 2023
"The Rising Threat of HFOs and TFA to Health and the Environment" (pdf), R744.com, 2022
"Projected increases in emissions of high global warming potential fluorinated gases in China (pdf)," Communications Earth & Environment, 2023
How we Solved the Problem with the Ozone Hole (12:00 Video, History Scope, 2019)
Remembering Mario Molina (6:31 Audio, Living on Earth, October 2020)
South Pole Every Two Weeks (NASA TOMS Movie, 1978-2005)
Gas Concentrations, Ozone Depletion Potential, and Atmospheric Lifetime (table, jsmol, Movies)
This weeks images (link to NASA)
Refrigerants (Figures)
Ozone Layer (Figures)
What is the empirical formula of my cool blue copper compound?
II. Food and Fuel: Which Energy Sources Should We Use?
Covalent molecules and how they are transformed through chemical reactions.
Intermolecular forces and functional groups. Liquids.
How do chemists represent the structure of molecules?
What is Gasoline?
Chemical Formulas
How much heat is released upon fuel combustion?
Why do we make so much CO2?
What are some alternative fuels we could use?
Department of Energy Alternative Fuels (link to afdc)
Energy Density (Table)
Renewable Fuels (Figures)
Fuel Cells (Figures)
Wind to Hydrogen (1:51 Video), 2010
Artificial Leaf (1:09 Video), 2011
How Fuel Cells Work (3:17 Video), 2008
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars (2:39 Video), 2022
Toyota Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle (link to Toyota)
Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Vehicles: Everything You Need to Know (link to Car and Driver)
FAME and Biodiesel (Figures)
What are biofuels? (1:43 Video), ExxonMobil, 2016
Turning Algae into Energy (3:11 Video), Los Alamos National Lab, 2013
Algae for Fuel (7:36 Video), NETNebraska, 2011
Cellulosic Ethanol (Denmark) (3:43 Video), Genecor, 2012
Boeing 747 transatlantic biofuel flight (2:23 Video), Boeing, 2011
Climate Dangers of Palm Oil (8:28 Audio), LOE, 2018
Robotic Kelp Farms Promise an Ocean Full of Carbon-Neutral, Low-Cost Energy (pdf) or IEEE Spectrum, 2017.
Fuels and Air Pollution (link to Government of Canada)
Gasoline and the Environment (link to US EIA)
Deconstructed: Catalytic Converter (3:01 Movie)
Can we run a clock with a hydrogen fuel cell?
What functional groups are in foods?
Which household chemicals react the same way?
Can "like-attracts-like" be used to rank polarity?
How are functional groups, molecular sizes, and boiling points related?
How does vegetable oil change when hydrogenated?
What is the difference between a fat and an oil? (Summary activity)
Synthesis and Analysis: Is my Aspirin Pure?
Writing a scientific report
III. What Changes Can We Make to Decrease Environmental Impact?
Chemical periodicity, metals and ions, and light. Solids.
Why have metals been used through the ages? (Logan Museum)
How well do different materials conduct heat?
How should we make light?
Reading Groups: AHMN, BIMO, CJMP, DKMQ, ELMR, FMST, GMUV (pdf)
Earlier articles do a better job explaining but remember to watch dates for the readings, especially when considering prices.
- "A brilliant new approach," The Economist, March 19, 2009
- "Green Promise Seen in Switch to LED Lighting," The New York Times, May 30, 2009
- "Europe's Ban on Old-Style Bulbs Begins," The New York Times, September 1, 2009
- "Tiny semiconductor crystals, called quantum dots, enable new forms of energy-efficient lighting," The Economist, March 4, 2010
- "LED Lighting: Blue + Yellow = White" and "The Light bulb that really is a better idea," IEEE Spectrum, January 2011
- "Seeing the Light: LED technology moves into the mainstream and delivers improved efficiencies," Signage Solutions, Nov/Dec 2011
- "What it takes to change all the street lights in New York City," Greenbiz, April 17, 2013 and October 29, 2013
- "This Little LED of Mine," The New York Times, November 2, 2013
- "Efficient, useful blue-light LED draws Nobel Prize in physics," CNET, October 7, 2014
- "Benefits and Disadvantages of LED Lighting," LED Technology, 2012, and Luminanz Ltd, 2011, and Pulse, 2015
- "Science advances in matching LED lighting to horticultural needs ," LEDs Magazine, 20 Sept 2016
- "LED Streetlights Are Giving Neighborhoods the Blues," IEEE Spectrum, 22 Sept 2016
- "The search for better white light," C&E News, November 19, 2018
- "America's Light Bulb Revolution," The New York Times, March 8, 2019
- "Household lighting consumption driven by bulb choice and bulb count," U.S. Energy Information Administration, February 25, 2019
- "White House to Relax Energy Efficiency Rules for Light Bulbs," The New York Times, September 4, 2019
- "The History of Lighting," Traditional Building, May 13, 2020
- "Old-Fashioned, Inefficient Light Bulbs Live On at the Nation's Dollar Stores," New York Times, January 23, 2022
- "Biden flips the switch on Trump's incandescent light bulb plan," CNN, April 26, 2022
- "LED Headlights," Hella Tech World, 2017
- "LED Basics," US Department of Energy
- "Savings Calculator," Bulbs.com
Which elements in the periodic table are metals?
How can you identify different incandescent, atomic, or semiconductor sources of light?
What is the net ionic equation?
How can we represent solids?
How are structure and properties of solids related?
What controls the properties of elements?
How can you get a specific color of light from a solid? Periodic Properties and LEDs
How do we know how atoms are arranged in solids?
Diffraction (Figures)
Crystalline structures and diffraction of chocolate
Synthesis and Characterization of CH3NH3Pb(I1-xBrx)3 Solid Solution Perovskite Semiconductors
Lighting summary activity
No class (Thanksgiving)
Project Design: Is my soil contaminated? Lead in soil
Is my soil contaminated? Lead in soil
Writing a report: Lead in soil
Environmental & Climate Justice
Environmental Justice and Energy Futures (Figures)
Kate Marvel Guest Essay, NYT November 2023 (pdf with links to National Climate Assessment)
How Electricity Is Changing, Country by Country, NYT November 2023 (pdf with links or interactive)
The Climate Impact of Your Neighborhood, Mapped, NYT December 2022 (pdf or interactive)
What is Environmental Justice? NRDC 2017 (1:56 Video)
The Environmental Justice Movement, link to NRDC (2023)
Environmental and Climate Justice, link to NAACP
The rise of environmental justice, C&E News, August 24, 2020 (pdf)
Social Justice, Energy, Economics, and the Paris Agreement (2017)
The Climate Crisis - Health and Care Delivery, link to New England Journal of Medicine (2019)
Sustainable Development Goals, link to United Nations
Diversity, Inclusion & Respect, link to American Chemical Society (2021)
Ban Ki-moon, Energy for all, NPR, June 2012 (2:51 audio)
Mario Molina, Nobel Prize Inspiration Initiative, April 2018 (52:26 video) youtube
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, link to United Nations (2020)
This page last modified November 18, 2023

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