Right click or CTRL-click on the link. Drag down to something like "Save
Link Target as..." or "Save this Link as..." or "Download
Link to Disk" or "Download Linked File As..." or "Saved
Linked File to Desktop...".
You will need a way to unzip the file/folder. You can place the resulting file/folder anywhere.
Each program has a "Check for updates" menu item that can tell you whether you have the latest version.
Programs should work on Windows 8-11. If you get a message about a missing dll, run Windows Update.
Programs should work on Mac OS 10.14-15.x (Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma, Sequoia). Since the Mac OSX applications are not signed, you will need to control-click the app icon and choose Open from the context menu the first time you run it.
Draw logarithmic concentration, distribution, and titration plots for acid/base, solubility, metal/ligand and redox equilibria, as well as cyclic voltammograms and Pourbaix diagrams.
Download Kplot: Mac zip or Mac dmg (Universal 64 bit Intel and Silicon) | Windows 64 or Windows 32 | Linux or Raspberry Pi
G. C. Lisensky, © 2007-2024.
Mass Spectroscopy Tables
Calculate combinations of C, H, N, and O for a unit mass, exact mass of that
composition, % relative intensity of M+1 and M+2 peaks, and the number of
rings and double bonds.
Download Mass: Mac | Windows | Linux
G. C. Lisensky, © 2003-2020.
AB, ABB, and AA'XX' NMR Coupling
This program plots NMR line spectra for type AB, ABB, and AA'XX' coupling.
Vary the chemical shift difference, coupling constant, and instrument
frequency to find the conditions necessary for first-order spectra
Download ABNMR: Mac | Windows | Linux
G. C. Lisensky, © 1990-2020.
Hydrogen Atom Wave Functions
Draw radial distribution and angular functions for hydrogen-like atomic orbitals.
Download Radial: Mac | Windows | Linux
G. C. Lisensky, © 2007-2020.

Space Group Diagrams
Draw space group diagrams by identifying symmetry elements from the International
Tables for X-ray Crystallography for monoclinic and orthorhombic space
groups. You may display the symmetry elements, the equivalent positions,
or both.
Download Spacegroup: Mac | Windows | Linux
G. C. Lisensky, © 2007-2020.
iORTEP - A Crystallographic Plotting Program
To plot a crystal structure you need to enter
values for
-the unit cell dimensions (axes in Ångstroms, angles in degrees),
-the space group symmetry (equivalent positions and centering),
-a unique name, fractional coordinates, and thermal parameters for each atom.
Download ORTEP: Mac | Windows | Linux | Sample data | pdf help file
Fortran version by Carroll K. Johnson, "ORTEP-II: A FORTRAN Thermal-Ellipsoid
Plot Program for Crystal Structure Illustrations," Oak Ridge National
Laboratory Report ORNL-5138, 1976. Interactive version by G. C. Lisensky, © 2008-2020.
GradeReader - An Excel formatting program
This program takes a comma or tab-delimited Excel TEXT file where the first row is column headings and subsequent rows contain a name and grades for each person, and produces a page for each person with their assignment grades.
Download GradeReader: Mac zip or Mac dmg (Universal 64 bit Intel and Silicon) | Windows 64 | Linux
G. C. Lisensky, © 2003-2023.
Create or edit a slide show from web pages (html, pdf) to be played back in a browser.
While the final show works online, this editor is meant to be used with a local web site.
Download BrowserShow: Mac | Windows
G. C. Lisensky, © 2004-2020.