Beloit College > Chemistry > NMR & IR

     What is NMR?
     2D NMR
     Macroscopic NMR demonstrations (compasses)
     What is IR?
     Macroscopic IR demonstrations (springs)
     GC/MS (Global Forensic and Justice Center)


     Anasazi EFT60 NMR
     Bruker Fourier300 NMR
     Thermo Nicolet iS10 IR

Useful web references
     Multiplet simulator
     1H Prediction
     13C Prediction
     COSY Prediction
     HSQC Prediction
     NMR simulator
     Predict 1H NMR
     Predict 13C NMR
     Predict COSY
     Predict HSQC
     Draw molecule, predict infrared spectrum, then click on orange bars over the spectrum to see animation of the peak vibration.
     Problems in NMR and IR Spectroscopy
     Organic Chemistry Spectroscopy Problems

Sigma Aldrich
     Search by name, select a catalog number, look under Documentation for NMR, IR, or Raman spectra

Spectral Database for Organic Compounds SDBS, AIST Japan
     Compound and Spectral Search (MS, NMR, IR, Raman, ESR)

Hans Reich
     Structure Determination Using NMR

The Getty Conservation Institute
     Infrared Spectroscopy in Conservation Science (pdf)

RRUFF Project Mineral Spectra
     Raman, IR, and XRD by mineral name

Chemical Hazard Evaluations

Last updated March 8, 2023 by George Lisensky