Self Assembly

Objects spontaneously arranging themselves into patterns is called "self-assembly." Self assembly of both macro and micro scale objects are shown.

Self-assembly of 5 micrometer glass nanospheres on a mica surface. The spheres are initially suspended in a drop of water on the mica. As the drop evaporates, the spheres are packed together by the surface tension at the drop's edge. Slight irregularities in the packing can be seen, and are the result of irregularly shaped spheres. (300K) Movie by Gordon Shaw.

Triangles, made of polydimethylsiloxane with magnetized strontium ferrite along the edges, self assemble on the surface of water. The different color triangles are oppositely magnetized so they are expected to have the strongest attractions. The dish and camera are moved circularly to produce a wave that moves the pieces. The movie plays in real time. (5 MB)

Triangles, made of polydimethylsiloxane with magnetized strontium ferrite along the edges, self assemble on the surface of water. The different color triangles are oppositely magnetized so they are expected to have the strongest attractions. The dish and camera are moved circularly to produce a wave that moves the pieces. The movie plays in real time. (15 MB)

Exploring the Nanoworld | MRSEC Nanostructured Interfaces
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This page created by George Lisensky, Beloit College.  Last modified July 25, 2008 .