Match bold structure with framework pores
Drag to rotate, shift-drag vertical to zoom,
shift-drag horizontal to turn

(disordered ring orientation)

(disordered ring orientation)
(disordered ring orientation)

(disordered phenol -OH)

(disordered ring orientation)

(disordered -N=N-)
(slow to load)
(slow to load)

Display options

Cavity ruler (displayed sphere diameter is 0.0 Å)

Any solvent molecules are not shown.
Frameworks from Omar Yaghi and coworkers, UC Berkeley.
UiO from Karl Lillerud and coworkers (Universitetet i Oslo).
MIL from Gérard Férey et al (Matérial Institut Lavoisier).
UOF from University of Otago, New Zealand.
SUM from Sichuan University Materials.
NU from Northwestern University.
UTSA from University of Texas at San Antonio.
UMCM from University of Michigan crystalline material.
HKUST from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Zeolites from the International Zeolite Association.

This page created by George Lisensky, Beloit College.
Last modified July 29, 2022
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