ACRISOLS Soils with subsurface accumulation of low activity clays and low base saturation.
ALBELUVISOLS Acid soils with a bleached horizon penetrating into a clay-rich subsurface horizon
ALISOLS Soils with subsurface accumulation of high activity clays, rich in exchangeable aluminium
ANDOSOLS Young soils from volcanic deposits
ANTHROSOLS Soils in which human activities have resulted in profound modification of their properties
ARENOSOLS Sandy soils featuring very weak or no soil development
CALCISOLS Soils with accumulation of secondary calcium carbonates
CAMBISOLS Weakly to moderately developed soils
CHERNOZEMS Soils with a thick, dark topsoil, rich in organic matter with a calcareous subsoil
CRYOSOLS Soils with permafrost within 1 m depth
DURISOLS Soils with accumulation of secondary silica
FERRALSOLS Deep, strongly weathered soils with a chemically poor, but physically stable subsoil
FLUVISOLS Young soils in alluvial deposits
GLEYSOLS Soils with permanent or temporary wetness near the surface
GYPSISOLS Soils with accumulation of secondary gypsum
HISTOSOLS Soils which are composed of organic materials
KASTANOZEMS Soils with a thick, dark brown topsoil, rich in organic matter and a calcareous or gypsum-rich subsoil
LEPTOSOLS Very shallow soils over hard rock or in unconsolidated very gravelly material
LIXISOLS Soils with subsurface accumulation of low activity clays and high base saturation
LUVISOLS Soils with subsurface accumulation of high activity clays and high base saturation
NITISOLS Deep, dark red, brown or yellow clayey soils having a pronounced shiny, nut-shaped structure
PHAEOZEMS Soils with a thick, dark topsoil rich in organic matter and evidence of removal of carbonates
PLANOSOLS Soils with a bleached, temporarily water-saturated topsoil on a slowly permeable subsoil
PLINTHOSOLS Wet soils with an irreversibly hardening mixture of iron, clay and quartz in the subsoil
PODZOLS Acid soils with a subsurface accumulation of iron-aluminium-organic compounds
REGOSOLS Soils with very limited soil development
SOLONCHAKS Strongly saline soils
SOLONETZ Soils with subsurface clay accumulation, rich in sodium
UMBRISOLS Acid soils with a thick, dark topsoil rich in organic matter
VERTISOLS Dark-coloured cracking and swelling clays

Map from, definitions from