Ferrihydrite, Fe5O7(OH)
    Drag to turn, shift-drag vertical to zoom,
    shift-drag horizontal to rotate

  1. This structure uses octahedra
    This structure uses tetrahedra

  2. Build an edge-shared octahedral triangle
  3. Add four more triangles
  4. Build another edge-shared octahedral triangle layer
  5. Build an alternating tetrahedral octahedral layer
  6. Build another alternating tetrahedral octahedral layer
  7. Join
  8. Join
  9. Join

  10. Display options
    Polyhedra: Translucent Solid Quadrant Off
    Atoms: Ball&Stick Ball Stick
                Spacefill Translucent Off
    Labels: Small Medium Large Off
    Stereo: Wall Red Blue 90° Off
    Spin   Perspective   Antialias

Developed in collaboration with the
University of Wisconsin Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
Interdisciplinary Education Group   |   MRSEC on Nanostructured Interfaces
This page created by George Lisensky, Beloit College.  Last modified April 25, 2015 .