Should We Recommend Building a Copper Mine? Module written by Mary Walczak, Linda Zarzana, Doug Williams, and Paul Charlesworth |
Session 1: What is the Role of a Copper Mine Consultant?
Copper mine process flowsheet
Copper from mine to market
Technology of copper mining
Copper solvent extraction
How do they make copper?
Session 2: How Much is the Land Worth?
Redox Reactions and Ore Composition Analysis
Exploration 2A: What Minerals Would You Expect To Find?
Exploration 2B: How Much Total and Oxidized Cu is Present in the Ore?
Exploration 2C: Is there any Pb, Ag, Fe or Zn in the Ore?
Exploration 2D: What is the Price of Copper?
Exploration 2E: What is the Cost of Extraction?
Business news
and data (http://marketdata.copper.org/)
Session 3: How Is Ore Processed?
Thermodynamics and Spontaneity
Exploration 3A: How is Copper Extracted from Sulfidic Ores?
Exploration 3B: How is Copper Extracted from Oxidic Ores?
Exploration 3C: Are there any Alternatives?
Exploration 3D: Which Process is Most Compatible with the Ore?
Exploration 3E: How Much Acid is Consumed by the Ore?
Session 4: How Is the Extracted Copper Purified?
Solvent Extraction and Electrowinning
Exploration 4A: How is Aqueous Copper Separated From the Other Metals in
Exploration 4B: How is Aqueous Copper Purified and Concentrated?
Exploration 4C: How is Metallic Copper Obtained?
Exploration 4D: How is nylon made?
Exploration 4E: How are polyesters formed?
Session 5: What is the Final Recommendation?
Culminating Event
Appendix A: Analytical Methods for the Laboratory
Appendix B: Thermodynamic Data
Appendix C: Solubility Product Data
Appendix D: Costs of Extraction
Appendix E: WMC Report Excerpts
Appendix F: Solvent Extraction: A Viable Method for Selectively Extracting
Metals from Solutions
Copyright © 2004 by the trustees of Beloit College and the Regents of the
University of California. This Module has been
developed under the direction of the ChemLinks Coalition, headed by Beloit College,
and the ModularChem Consortium, headed by the University of California at Berkeley.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation
grants No. DUE-9455918 and DUE-9455924. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions
or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, Beloit
College, or the Regents of the University of California.
Published through exclusive license with W.
W. Norton.
Should We Build a Copper Mine? ISBN 0-393-92440-8
Copper Mine | ChemConnections